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Η Βίκη Καρατζόγλου “κάνει τα όνειρα μας αληθινά” και τα τραγουδάει

Vicky Karatzoglou is a new promising singer with a mature voice. Her new album called ‘’Ta Oneira Mou Alithina’’ (My Dreams Come True) was released by FeelGood Records. In her new CD there are many collaborations with other Greek artists. Some of them are: Yiannis Savvidakis, Pantelis Thalassinos, Nikos Kalantzakos, Grigoris Petrakos, Babis Varthakouris, Christos Thiveos, Sunny Baltzi et al. These are great songs and her approach to perform them magnificent. The melody is strong and tuneful. The singer has an attractive vocal tone, and puts real feeling into the lyrics. The lyrics are interesting and meaningful with some punchy phrases. Instrumentally, the songs have a rich, full accompaniment that complements the vocal track perfectly. The performance quality is high throughout, both vocally and instrumentally. Overall, the songs are distinctive and suit Vicky’s mood perfectly, and I think this CD has strong commercial potential.

Interview by Vassilios Vitsilogiannis

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Είμαι παιδί της επικοινωνίας και του χαμόγελου και με αφορμή την μέχρι τώρα πορεία μου σε αυτή τη ζωή, θέλησα να «χρωματίσω» τον κόσμο με τη δική μου παλέτα. Έτσι δημιούργησα με πολύ αγάπη το δικό μου διαδικτυακό αποτύπωμα, το, θέλοντας να γεμίσω τους ανθρώπους και ιδιαίτερα τις γυναίκες με τη δική μου αστερόσκονη. Πάντα λέω ότι «εκεί έξω βρίσκονται τα πιο μαγικά πράγματα…μη φοβάσαι λοιπόν να τα περπατήσεις».