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Ελληνομάθεια στα Εμιράτα! Η ελληνική μας γλώσσα ταξιδεύει, μαθαίνεται και επιβραβεύεται!


Συνέντευξη στον Βασίλειο Βιτσιλόγιαννη

Η Ελληνομάθεια είναι ένα από τα Ελληνικά σχολεία στα Εμιράτα. Είναι ένας μη-κυβερνητικός οργανισμός. Οι γονείς και μαθητές καλύπτουν όλα τα έξοδα των βιβλίων και της εκπαίδευσης. Η Ελληνομάθεια ακολουθεί το Ελληνικό σύστημα εκπαίδευσης βάσει του Υπουργείου Παιδείας έτσι ώστε τα παιδιά να μπορούν να μάθουν σωστά την μητρική τους γλώσσα και οι ξένοι να μάθουν τα Ελληνικά σαν δεύτερη γλώσσα. Η Ελληνομάθεια παρέχει ένα υψηλό επίπεδο εκμάθησης της Ελληνικής γλώσσας και αυτό φαίνεται από τις επιτυχίες των σπουδαστών την περίοδο των εξετάσεων τον Μάιο. Η ιδρύτρια του σχολείου Δάφνη Σαββόπουλου και η διευθύντρια του σχολείου Νατάσα Κανέλλου είναι αυτές οι οποίες ξεκίνησαν το σχολείο στα Εμιράτα βλέποντας την ανάγκη των γονιών αλλά και των σπουδαστών να μάθουν αλλά και να κρατήσουν την μητρική τους γλώσσα ζωντανή. Συνάντησα την κυρία Νατάσα Κανέλλου λίγες μέρες πριν και κάναμε μια συνέντευξη σχετικά με την Ελληνομάθεια, τα πράγματα που μας είπε είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντικά και δείχνουν ότι η προσπάθεια αυτή επιβραβεύεται κάθε φορά με τις επιτυχίες των μαθητών τους.


Ellinomatheia is one the Greek Language Schools in UAE. It is a non-profitable program. Parents and students cover all the expenses of the lessons,  of educational books and material. Ellinomatheia School follows the curriculum taught in Greece according to the Ministry of Education for the children that they speak Greek as mother tongue program and the appropriate curriculum for children who learn Greek as second language. All the books and material are the educational books that the Greek Ministry of Education has approved and uses. The program offers high level of Greek education to the student and that is being proved with the high percentage of successful participation of the students at the Examination of Certificate of Attainment in Greek language, organized by the Greek Ministry of Education, every May worldwide.

The Founder is Mrs Daphne Sakkopoulou and Principal of Ellinomatheia School is Mrs Natassa Kanellou. I met Mrs Kanellou few days ago to have this interview and she was very friendly and willing to answer to all of my questions.


How long have you been to UAE?

It is not the first time that I live away from my beloved home country, Greece.  I had the opportunity to live in UK for 6 years with my husband and for 7 years in UAE with my husband and thirteen-year-old daughter.

Although Greece is always in our hearts and always will be, living in UAE is a very enriching experience!!! I come across different cultures and people so I become more open minded, realizing that we live in a global world and it just makes sense to work together peacefully as we all have the same needs and wants.


What made you decide to start Ellinomatheia School?

From the first month that I moved with my family to UAE, I was very lucky to come across and meet Mrs Sakkopoulou that is the founder and responsible person for the Certification Center of Greek Language in UAE.

Having many years’ experience of teaching in schools in UK and Greece I started my wonderful journey at the Ellinomatheia School as a teacher!!!

Imagine that back in 2009 we were only 3 teachers and now we are counting to 14, with a wonderful teaching team that shares the same vision!

Our dedication, enthusiasm, hard work and passion for teaching the Greek language made Ellinomatheia School what it is today.


Tell us about the purpose of this school?

Our purpose and aim is to provide to the Greek and no Greek children and adults of Dubai and Abu Dhabi a high level of Greek language lessons, keep the language alive and improve their language skills in order to successfully take the exams and receive the Greek Certification of Attainment in Greek language from the Centre for the Greek Language, supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education.

Furthermore, we strongly believe that is very important to promote our culture   and national heritage to our students and the Greek community. In this context, beyond the discussions in the classroom, we organize charity events and theme celebrations, such as Greek Christmas Bazaar, celebration of the Greek National Day and lessons in Greek Mythology and History.


Tell us about the Certification Centre of Greek Language in United Arab Emirates and are specific examinations that students sit for?

Since 2008 the Hellenic Council in Dubai has been appointed by the Center of Greek Language as Examination center for the certificate of attainment in Greek language (examination Centre number 97002) ( &

Yes there is the globally recognized Certificate of Attainment in Greek language which held in May word wild, organized by the Centre for the Greek Language ( supervised from the Greek Ministry of Education.

Ellinomatheia School is working in close collaboration with the Examination center for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek, preparing students to successfully receive the certificate, globally recognized.

Our aim is to offer high level of Greek education to our students and it is being justified every year with a high percentage of successful participation 100% of our students at the Examination of Certificate of Attainment in Greek Language.

Up to now more than 200 students have received the Certificate from the Certification Centre of Greek Language in UAE.


How many students do you have and the school locations in UAE?

The academic year 2015-2016 we had 194 students, children and adults in our 4 sites at Dubai (Mall of Emirates, Silicon Oasis) and Abu Dhabi (Khalifa City A, City Centre).


Tell us about the teaching staff of Ellinomatheia School.

Our teachers are all from the Greek community of UAE and all qualified to teach Greek as a foreign language (Certification issued and approved from the Greek ministry of Education in Greece) with many years’ experience in all the fields of education, nursery teachers, primary school teachers and high school teachers.


What are your plans for the future of the school?

Many children who live abroad from young age, as they grow older they develop a distance from their home country, and sometimes they may lose their sense of home.

In Ellinomatheia, we believe   that it is crucial for the children to know their Greek roots, their rich culture and timeless history.

We would like at the future to keep up the high quality education we provide and to develop further so we can be able to provide more students, first, lessons with the right methodology to maintain and improve the Greek language skills. Second, maintain their cultural identity and third, prepare professionally students for the exams: Attainment in Greek Language, Entry exams for the Greek universities and IGCE in Greek language.

We want to offer to our students an existing journey to Greek Language!!! 


Interview by Vassilios Nicolaos Vitsilogiannis

Είμαι παιδί της επικοινωνίας και του χαμόγελου και με αφορμή την μέχρι τώρα πορεία μου σε αυτή τη ζωή, θέλησα να «χρωματίσω» τον κόσμο με τη δική μου παλέτα. Έτσι δημιούργησα με πολύ αγάπη το δικό μου διαδικτυακό αποτύπωμα, το, θέλοντας να γεμίσω τους ανθρώπους και ιδιαίτερα τις γυναίκες με τη δική μου αστερόσκονη. Πάντα λέω ότι «εκεί έξω βρίσκονται τα πιο μαγικά πράγματα…μη φοβάσαι λοιπόν να τα περπατήσεις».